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Posted by Paula Harris on 12/31/2015

A Woman of All Seasons

This book gives help for daily divine deliverance.

Please ponder a few questions for a moment. Are you happy in this season of your life? Are you burnt out and left with no hope of anything ever changing for you? Are you able to enjoy what you have presently? Does your past keep you from taking a positive step toward your future? Do you feel overwhelmed by the challenges confronting you in this season of your life?The tsunami, hurricane Katrina, California mud slides, and snow in Hawaii are recent reminders that there are times and seasons over which we have little or no control. The same is true for each season of a woman¿s life. She may laugh or weep, love or hate, plant or uproot during her journey. Nevertheless, she can learn to glance at her struggles, but gaze upon His sovereignty. Your time in this book will be revitalizing as you receive wisdom and encouragement for each season of your life.

A Woman of All Seasons
