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Mycel Acquaah-Mensah Recommendations

Submitted by Christian Friend on 02/17/2023

Jo Ann Kolks, Dir., Jewels Women's Ministry, Dunedin Assembly Of God In FL

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Mycel is a friend & mighty woman of God whom I treasure! The Holy spirit introduced us by telling Mycel she would meet a woman named Jo Ann for three previous days and I was overcome by the expression of love on her face when she came with a friend to our Jewels Fellowship Meetings. The night before, in a dream, the Lord showed me I would meet our special Founder's Day Speaker that I was looking for and the rest is history! Mycel is called & prepared to let this world know Jesus is our Waymaker for everything needed pertaining to this life & beyond! She is compassionate and full of God's confidence in delivering the Gospel message of truth to this generation. May I encourage you to meet, Mycel, in order to find out how very much you are loved by our Creator, our Sustainer, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus!

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