Unlock the transformative power of God's grace with this compelling session designed to breathe new life into your audience's faith journey. In a world where the enemy thrives...
No one goes into marriage thinking it will end in divorce. And despite our best efforts to salvage a broken marriage, it may still end in divorce. After her 25 year marriage ended,...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/13/2024
Breathe new life into your love for the Bible through journaling. In this is workshop, Judi walks the audience through the unique inductive journal learning system she devised to study...
Posted by Judi Galloway on 07/23/2024
God has brought me through so much and now, I get to share that with others. It is my passion to encourage others that there it is never too late for a fresh start with Jesus. Life...
Posted by Delaine Shay on 06/25/2024
What does it mean to Live in Grace? In this 4 session retreat series, Deedy covers the topics of Saving Grace, Daily Grace, Faithful Grace and Finishing Grace. Your group will travel...
Life doesn’t always turn out like we hope. Join Susie to gain understanding, insights and a 4-step method for getting loose, unbound and freed to soar.=====Sometimes our expectations...
You can find deep connection with the God who knows you. The Bible is the voice of God calling us to new life. Where we spend eternity depends on how we respond to that voice....
Posted by Patricia Cameron on 02/02/2024
Life's events have a tendency to drive people mad, and worse, as the promise of joy and happiness fall to the ground, like dead leaves shedding from trees. As with dead leaves,...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 05/20/2022
Maggie believes that hurt people hurt others; therefore, she shares the power of forgiveness. She shares with the audience the consequences of having on to bitterness, resentment,...
Posted by Maggie Kavanaugh on 10/15/2021
A message from Isaiah 43:16-18 about the new things God wants to do and how His past provision helps us trust Him for the future. Available for virtual or in-person events!...
Fear Paralysis was my existence. I did not want to fear. I tried not to fear. Yet I feared. I knew God said, “Fear Not”. Shame had an open...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 03/25/2020
Through the story of the woman at the well we learn about the invitation that Jesus offers us to have a new life, new purpose and new destiny....