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Posted by Julia Nicholson on 02/19/2024

TEDX Talk: "The Way We Think About Loss and Grief is Dead Wrong"

At one point in our life, we all experience unwanted change, adversity, and loss, leading to varying degrees of grief. Many of us get stuck reliving what happened, existing more in the past than living in the present. In her TEDx Talk, Julia shares a framework anyone can use to triumph over adversity, process the most profound grief, and move forward stronger no matter what happened or how long ago. 

Julia has faced an inordinate amount of tragedy and loss in her life. Those experiences unwittingly led her to discover a unique perspective on grief and loss - more specifically, a way to process it and thrive in the face of the unthinkable.  As a result, her increased resilience and passion for life shaped a professional career that included becoming the first female CEO of MPI, a $9B company, as well as a sought-after speaker, consultant, and author. Her passion to use her experience and insights to help others led to her to write the best selling book, "Move Forward Stronger: A Dynamic Framework to Process Change, Loss, and Grief." 

TEDX Talk: "The Way We Think About Loss and Grief is Dead Wrong"


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