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Posted by Cynthia Libert, M.D. on 08/18/2023

Holistic Medical Business Consulting for Women

Are you struggling to put all the pieces together?

If you are an intelligent, authentic, compassionate, creative, heart-centered, female medical professional (MD, DO, ND, DC, PA, DAc, NP, RN, APRN, resident or medical student) planning your launch into private practice, I’ve been where you are.

I understand the doubt, fears, and struggle required to transform your medical practice.

Perhaps you’ve taken a leap of faith and started to build your dream.

Maybe you’ve already invested a lot of time, money and energy (not to mention blood, sweat and tears!) to get it off the ground. Now you’re facing the realities of practicing medicine outside the conventional path.  

I’m here to help.

I can lend a listening ear and some gentle advice and coaching so that you can gain clarity.

Together we can design a dynamic, actionable business strategy to move you forward in your private practice with confidence and success.  

When I was creating my business I wished for a female mentor, just a few steps ahead of me, to help lead the way. Unfortunately, I made some painful and costly mistakes on the windy road to my dream practice.

My desire is to help you avoid these common pitfalls and connect you with the practical tools, valuable resources and connections to flourish in all spheres of your life.  

You don’t have to walk this path alone. I urge you to invest in yourself and your dream. Reach out to me for the help that you need.

Investment for 1:1 Private Mentoring Sessions

  • $299 for an introductory 45-minute mentoring session.  Come away with detailed notes and action items delivered to your email inbox.  Schedule now.
  • $450/hour for additional 1:1 sessions. Schedule now

*Please do not allow finances to be a barrier to reaching out to me for help. I offer a sliding scale for students, residents and women with financial hardship.

All proceeds from the private mentoring sessions go to support Women in Ministry & Medicine, Inc. a  501(c)(3) Nonprofit Charity Organization.

Email help@caringforthebody.org for inquires.

Holistic Medical Business Consulting for Women


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