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Erin Campbell

Christian Speaker
Cincinnati Ohio 45224

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"Those who look to God are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame." - Ps 34:5

"Those who look to God are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame." - Ps 34:5

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Cincinnati, OH 45224
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Four Corners Church
Relationship to Church
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Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
Fee Range
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More About Erin Campbell


As an atheist for 30 years, many tried to successfully persuade Erin into faith with clever formulas, quick wit, and promises, but to no avail. Her salvation ultimately came when a street corner evangelist on Bourbon Street showed her something dramatically different - something that ultimately set her free from life-long addictions, fear, and self-hatred… 

WATCH - CBN 700 Club television reenactment -  [7 min. video]

READ - Billy Graham's Decision Magazine article  


Erin fell madly in love with Jesus Christ in 1993 at the age of 30.   Having never attended church prior to her salvation, and growing up with unbelieving parents and siblings, no one could have predicted this sudden, unplanned change. Yet, since her dramatic salvation, her entire family; father, mother, sister, and brother have also surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ.  God has a plan and our job is to simply follow His lead, submitting our free-will to His divine will and let Him do what He does best...  "There is no greater witness than a changed life when there is no other explanation but God!"   


Erin was molested at the age of 7 and kept the secret of 'lost purity' hidden her entire life.  Drowning herself in alcohol and self-sabotaging behaviors, she considered herself damaged beyond repair - never allowing herself to receive true love from any man.  However, during the darkest days of her rebellion, the Lord set her free and restored her purity  - something she never had a chance to enjoy from childhood into adulthood. 

 Instantly, 'True Love' was received -- the Lord Jesus Christ.

One month following her salvation, God brought Matt and Erin together to meet and they become husband and wife in December 1995. They have been growing together in the Lord ever since.


Prior to her conversion, Erin earned a Bachelors of Science Degree in Computer Science and Philosophy and built a promising career in corporate America, but all that changed the day Erin and Matt were married.  Rapidly, things began shifting within their families. First, they moved Erin's parents, both suffering the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease, across country and into their home.  One year later, both parents were saved and chose to be baptized with Matt and Erin before the disease would begin its rapid decline.  Each stage of the disease was experienced until the Lord took them safely home.   Even though Alzheimer's Disease has stolen the lives of Erin's parents, grandparents, aunts, cousins, and now, Erin's older brother is drawing his final breath on earth with early-onset Alzheimer's [beginning at age 50], the miraculous reality of God's love, a love that nothing in all creation can separate, supersedes all understanding and brings a lasting trust in God's ultimate plan.  


In 2003, Matt and Erin, now empty-nesters, were called to full-time service to the Lord.  This decision required no effort or planning, as He prepared their hearts long before.  As family and friends looked on, shaking their heads in disbelief, Matt and Erin knew they had heard God voice.  They "dropped their nets and followed Christ" by resigning from their lucrative careers, selling their home, properties and investments.  They willingly gave away their furniture, luxury vehicles, valuables, and worldly attachments in order to turn their lives completely over as bondservants of Jesus Christ.  This radical departure is a love story that continues to grow deeper and deeper today.  


But... it is the story behind the story that explains it all.


As an infant believer in the faith, Matt encouraged Erin to attend a local church in their neighborhood to help her learn how to trust for the first time. The pastor and his wife took them under their wing to disciple and encourage their growth.  Kindness and transparency flowed among the four of them and eventually, they were eager to begin the "new member" class and join the church.  

Unbeknownst to both Matt and Erin, they soon became targets of intense hatred among a small core within the church membership.  A false rumor was concocted and given liberty to spread rapidly throughout the church body.   Matt and Erin continued attending, unaware of the false narrative circling about them.  In short time, the story twisted and hooked onto such diabolical imaginations, it could no longer hold its position, casting the dark gossip beyond the church walls and into the general public.   At one point, still oblivious, Matt and Erin confessed privately to one another how difficult it felt making friends in their new church, a mystery that remained until the day everything surfaced in the form of persecution against them - a day indelibly marked in their "love story" with Jesus Christ.  15 years later, this ugly rumor still circles about the dark hollows of this world, but God's faithfulness and divine forgiveness prevails amid the evil intentions of man.

It appears ironic that 'betrayal and persecution' would be Erin's introduction into church life; the place to learn how to trust, and yet, without the benefit of having experienced this inaugural assault, there would be little measure to deeply grasp how TRUSTWORTHY God truly is! 


As with all His children, God prepares us in advance for everything we will endure....


Two years prior, Erin found herself in great desperation, searching the Scriptures for explanation to the unsolicited events she was experiencing - i.e., the miraculous deliverances from a lifetime of bondages and addiction, one day, to  spontaneous healings within her body, the next. Her soul, once embroiled with self-hatred, bitterness, regret, and resentment, was now able to forgive without effort or thought.  Nothing like this ever occurred in her life prior to Christ.  Unprepared with so much change, Erin felt overwhelmed.  Simultaneously, she was witnessing 'rapid-fire' salvations among her unbelieving family members [each story more radical and dramatic than the last] - events that boggled even the minds of pastors and Christian friends when asked for help in coping with so much change.  Feeling alone and very confused by all the 'undeserved' goodness, she found rest and comfort in only one place - the Word of God.  

The moment her eyes landed on the pages of the Gospels, she knew she was finally "home".  The Lord  granted her "eyes to see and ears to hear" that these transformational occurrences were actually part of a "normal Christian life", as seen in the first century church.  However, along with the miraculous, undeserved goodness of God, there was also  rampant hatred and persecution among the brethren.   During those quiet hours of study and prayer, God began forging a heavenly perspective and anticipation for the cruel days ahead.  The revelations God showed her in the Gospels during her search for answers served as a prophetic preparation for the persecution she and Matt would face.  So, when their new friends turned against them at their new church, and persecution opened fired, she immediately understood the fullness of Christ's compassionate warnings in the Gospels; "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad!" [Matt. 5:11-12]  

"Normal Christian life" for believers in the first century church was cloaked with both GLORY and evil - LOVE and hatred, and will continue until His triumphant return.  Erin was given insight that she and Matt were not victims, rather, they're targetsa place of honor in Christ for all believers world-wide.  Blood has stained the dusty narrow road for 2,000 years as our forefathers and foremothers courageously followed their Lord and passed the torch to this generation.  As targets, believers are given a unique and privileged to spiritually identify with Christ in ways that few other faith experiences can offer... a true foundation for an unshakable faith needed later.   


During the months that followed, darkness, cruelty, and relentless gossip continued to expand into the community like little foxes with their tails on fire -  sabotaging their work for the Lord. The evil momentum felt unstoppable as the dark mocking clouds increased, and yet, since the first day it erupted, the Lord forbid Erin to defend herself no matter how intense the temptation felt to do so, nor was she to spend a single moment thinking about or speaking about the lie or the people who perpetuate them.  Instead, God was going to teach her how to TRUST HIM.  One cannot simultaneously "focus on the lie" and "trust in Truth".  

He gave her only one action, "pick up your cross and follow Me."  

 We are commanded to "trust God" and "love man" - not the other way around. Only then, will He give us the power patiently endure even the gravest of all trials.  The Lord ministered to her heart from pages of Scripture, "The battle belongs to the Lord, you only need to be still."  - [Exodus 14:14]   

He began washed her wounded heart, as He is cleansing His Church, with Water through the Word - [Eph. 5:25-27]  Erin wrote down Scripture after Scripture onto 3x5 cards about what God tells her "who she is In Christ".  Each promise taught her to stop depending on man's opinions to build or destroy her value and self-worth.  Over 120 healing Scriptures were written down and read continuously each day.  God Spirit was healing her from within... even while the lies continued to hit hard from outside.  Healing occurred from the inside out.  

Today, when asked what was the most important lesson learned during those infant days in the faith,  she says, "Without question, it was the ease by which the Lord moved when I was too broken to think.  His grace poured out a miraculous sense of forgiveness and blessing toward those who wished us the greatest harm.  He gave us the power to truly love our enemy with the Love He gives.  So profound and penetrating was His grace, that bitterness couldn't take root in the soul of my heart, even as the persecution continues.  This is not a human response... God is truly in control."  


Once healed, God whispered a command into her heart, "Speak My Word."  

In obedience, Matt and Erin presented the 120 healing Scriptures to a music composer for his opinion. Together, they produced a Scripture Medley CD entitled "Who Am I IN Christ"  -  [120 spoken Scriptures with instrumental music] - to help others to heal from rejection, hate, betrayal, and persecution.  

This was birthed from a place of deep love and inner healing by the power of God's Word.


in 2004, a small 1,000 watt local Christian radio station received a copy of the Scripture Medley CD and invited Erin to host her own radio show.   Erin declined, having no interest, experience, or talent for broadcasting. But later, she felt released to accept the invitation under one condition, the airtime would be used exclusively to interview  men and women who have testimonies about how God set them free.  The next 10 years, Matt and Erin shared the Gospel through full-time radio broadcasting. Persevering through false starts and little money to pay for the expensive airtime, God remained faithful.  Water through the Word RADIO eventually gained momentum and expanded to national syndication; reaching an audience of 23.7 million listeners nationwide and Canada with real-life testimonies.  Guests included:  Anne Graham Lotz, Christine Caine, Joyce Meyer, Pricilla Shirer, Carol Kent, Comedian Chonda Pierce, Actor Stephen Baldwin, Supermodel Kim Alexis, and Jennifer O’Neal;  Best-Selling Authors Liz Curtis Higgs, Laurie Beth Jones, etc. Recording Artists Ginny Owens, etc. and many others.   


As the radio show became popular, invitations from event planners started to roll in.  Erin initially turned them down in order to enter into a renewed season of intense study.  Once again, Erin saturated herself with God's Word.   Every book in the Old and New Testament came alive in her spirit in profoundly new ways  The Lord helped her see on a very personal level His Sovereignty and Divine Providence woven throughout the entire Word - realigning her faith, knowledge and understanding of Biblical Doctrine, Biblical history and culture, etc. At the completion of this nine month period, Erin felt God's healing release to accept invitations to share with others the extravagant love of God.

  The Lord enabled her to write, teach, and record dozens of Deeper Living  Bible Studies and Discipleship Series.  Her messages draw deeply from her personal struggles in life, and the freedom available to all.  Her desire is for all to know God's passionate pursuit for His children, and learn how we, through Christ's sacrifice, resurrection and ascension, can escape the corruption of this world, fully enter into God's presence, and live the abundant life Christ promised.   She encourages her audiences to recapture the radiant wonder of our First Love - the Lord Jesus Christ - through both the "written Word" and the "Living Word" of God.

  • Hidden Agendas: Boldly Facing Life’s Hidden Traps 
  • Forbidden Fruit: Taking the Bite out of Temptation 
  • Authentic Faith: Dealing with Life’s Difficulties 
  • Radically Undone: Discovering the Beauty of Living IN Christ 
  • Becoming a Woman of Contentment: A Weekend Retreat 
  • Power of Prayer: Conquering the Power of Temptation
  • Fearless Faith: An 8-week Journey into the Will of God 
  • Rules of Engagement: Preparing our Faith for the Days Ahead 
  • Eye of Deception: Exposing the Hidden Traps, Counterfeit Power, and Manipulations that Sabotage our Faith
  • New Discipleship Series [currently being written];
    • Preparing the Bride of Christ
    • Preparing the Ambassador of Christ
    • Preparing the Soldier of Christ
    • Preparing the Bondslave of Christ
  • And many others


 Erin traveled extensively, presenting at national conferences and weekend women's retreats; averaging 90+ events per year bringing audiences to laughter and to tears. Erin’s passion - to see women transformed from feelings of inadequacy and insignificance to lives of confidence and influence through the Truths of God’s Word – Living IN Christ. 


In 2015, Erin and Matt, along with faithful directors and friends answered God's directive for a three-year assignment - the DEEPER LIVING Center for Biblical Studies in Cincinnati, Ohio.  A 13,700 sq ft space was made available to facilitate Discipleship and Bible classes, prayer ministry, worship concerts, special events and regional conferences, and much more.  The Center was open 6 days a week for men and women to grow deeper in their Christian faith.

What began as a simple act of obedience ended up being one of the most rewarding and life-transforming experiences for everyone involved.  Three years of total emersion into God's Word and worship, community-building experiences/outreaches, and the subsequent healing that occurred at the deepest levels of our faith set us free to be launched into various ministry callings.  Deep roots and abundant fruit continue to grow since the successful completion of the assignment on Sept. 30th, 2018.


Erin is working with her agent to publish Bible Studies, Discipleship Resources, memoirs, etc.  Her joy remains serving women at conferences and retreats.  Matt keeps an active ministry role as Chairman for Water through the Word Ministries and supports every function of this ministry,  along with volunteers who are all equally committed to the men and women they serve in Christ. Matt often travels with Erin to weekend conferences and retreats and is a favorite addition at every event with his "I'm Sorry" message.   Erin and Matt have remained best friends.  They have two grown children and two grandchildren: Elijah and Ivy.  

Erin Campbell Recommendations

Submitted by Attendee on Thursday, Nov 02, 2023

Carol Lucio

Erin's in-depth teaching straight from the Bible cannot be compared to any other. You must have nimble fingers to follow along flipping back-and-forth connecting scripture. She's a teacher unlike any other.

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Submitted by Montgomery Community Baptist Church on Monday, Jan 02, 2023

Dr. Tom Lipsey, Senior Pastor

Please allow me the privilege of recommending the person and ministry of Erin Campbell. I have had the honor of being a friend to and pastor of Erin for two years and also the chance to see her up close. Erin is a women full of the Spirit with a deep passion and desire to help others (especially women) come to know their place and position as inheritors of God's promises. She is one who practices what she preaches and exercises a very Christ like attitude. Upon hearing her teach, I am also blessed to sit under her ministry. Hers is a ministry and presence of proclaimation. I strongly commend her and recommend her to you.

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