Are you interested in social justice? Are you looking for ways to promote growth, compassion, perspective, and service in your women's ministry? Maybe you're interested in...
Posted by Vicki Taylor on 01/21/2025
Addiction shows up in all classes of people: rich, poor, white collar, blue collar, or no collar. Addiction seeps into our lives without warning. The pain of knowing our prodigal is...
Posted by Sheila Llewellyn on 11/01/2024
Do you long to be a woman of joy? Does it seem difficult to be filled with joy when walking through daily struggles? Tracy delves into this tough topic, exploring things in our lives...
Posted by Tracy Berta on 02/05/2024
God has given us some amazing gifts, and by using the acronym G.I.F.T., Deedy points out that how we respond to those gifts results in our giving gifts back to God. Isn't that...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 12/09/2023
More than simply refining your prayer practice, you can invigorate your relationship with God through this transformative prayer experience. This journey isn't just about basking...
This is a lighthearted, funny approach to some serious issues that we all may be dealing with or be have family members dealing in the midst of the battle. How did we do it? How do...
Messes and Masterpieces is the perfect message for a MOPS event or a gathering to celebrate women! Lauren weaves humor, creative illustrations, and bold, memorable sticky statements...
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7Many women feel invisible – to themselves, to others and even to God. This is a very...
Posted by Laura Acuña on 05/02/2020
An inspirational message that will lead you to celebrate God’s presence, power, passion, protection, and promise....
Posted by Carol Sallee on 03/20/2020
This is a Christmas message. The message offers four categories of giving , Gratiturde, Inspiration, Voice, and Exchange. Within each category Carolynn gives unique ideas of how, what,...
Posted by Carolynn Scully on 01/29/2019
What do you get when you mix the Wonder of God's Word with some possible costumes of a very popular comic book character together for a weekend? A Blast!!! As well as some...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 03/21/2018
Drawing on her research into NDEs (near death experiences), Chris tells stories she's learned of out-of-body experiences, as well as a special gift from her deceased mother that...
Posted by Chris Manion on 04/19/2017