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Posted by: Deb Copeland on 09/19/2019

Forgiveness Draws Nigh: How God Desires to Redeem the Pain of Your Past

Your history is intended, by God, to serve as a personalized tool for leading others to Christ. Explore the safety, healing, and wholeness forgiveness offers, as Jesus wipes your slate clean and writes His new story on your heart.


Should we simply let our pasts be our pasts? I don’t think so!

Generally speaking, it’s nice to go forward in a positive and strong way trusting Jesus but we must realize the story we have been given personally is a tool to bring others along.

My first job in working for Christ as a Christian is to help others minister to others through their pain. This is a way that we can identify and walk with others, hearing them and understanding another’s pain. It’s possible to not only find forgiveness but also show others through our witness of the gift of forgiving.

If I can teach you to recognize the safety of coming to Jesus with your issues and how facing our issues and reaching out by faith to experience Jesus’ healing leads us to wholeness, well then, I have hit a home run! There is no other way to enter 2020, but that of a whole woman. Become one who has succumbed to Christ and faced her deepest, darkest secrets and found that by placing her hand in the hand of the man who stilled the waters and calmed the seas is all we need to find our way through forgiveness. You say “But Deb, you don’t understand.” I may not, but I have a best friend who does. Not only does He listen compassionately and understand, He wipes the slate clean. You are forgiven. Forgive yourself, and don’t carry that stuff around in 2020.

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