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Posted by Tanya Jolliffe on 02/12/2020

The Mindful Me Journey: A 40-Day Guided Journal Toward a Healthier Relationship with Food and Exercise

This four phased active journaling program helps people identify the what and why of eating and exercise behavior. Open ended prompts help people uncover the impact of emotions and feelings and how they are being expressed through food and exercise. Develop healthy guidelines and guardrails to turn impulse and reaction into cognitive thought and decision. Turn away from chronic dieting and eating and exercise disorder to live a nourishing and active life. Say goodbye to fear, guilt, and shame and hello to health and freedom. 

This active journaling guided program is designed for use as a self-help tool to begin attuned eating and movement practices. It is also a great tool that can help group leaders, health coaches, counselors, dietitians, and treatment centers as they guide clients in the practice as well. 

The Mindful Me Journey: A 40-Day Guided Journal Toward a Healthier Relationship with Food and Exercise


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