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Posted by Mary Southerland on 03/01/2019

Strength for the Storm - eVersion

We all have storms at some point in life. How we face and deal with those storms can mean the difference between a life of victory and defeat and can set the stage for God's plan to become a reality in our life. Strength for the Storm is the dramatic story of Mary Southerland, a woman who seemed to have it all until the storm of clinical depression slammed into her life and paralyzed it. You will celebrate Mary's deliverance from darkness to light and from despair to hope. You will discover how to harness and use the power of your own storms to produce lasting and powerful life change. Strength for the Storm will help you learn how to:

  • Control your thought life and emotions
  • Set priorities in order to live a more balanced life
  • Choose joy in the toughest times
  • Discover the reason for the storm and use it for victory

Strength for the Storm - eVersion
