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Posted by Melissa Harding on 02/04/2020

Mother Hen Flew the Coop: The Book for Moms Who Feel Like Crap

A freedom call for every mom who feels she is never enough... Being a mom is the greatest job in the world … at least that’s what most of us imagined.The truth is, motherhood is hard — really hard. We love our kids, but if we’re honest, some days, we’d rather fly the coop instead. How do we enjoy the moments when the days feel like eternity?How do we love our kids in the midst of the chaos, mama mess-ups and Pinterest-painted expectations of motherhood?With candid honesty and laugh-out-loud humor, "Mother Hen Flew the Coop" takes tired, worn out moms on a journey to freedom and rest. Melissa's wit and compassion will make you laugh, cry and take a deep breath of fresh air.Are you trying to be a good mom but feel like a worn out, burnt out, stressed out mess?Do you long to break free from the comparison-driven insecurities and guilt-ridden failures of motherhood?If so, then close your eyes. Imagine someplace calm and quiet. Then start reading. Because honey, this book is for you.

Mother Hen Flew the Coop: The Book for Moms Who Feel Like Crap


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