Are you ready to find your calling once and for all? As you begin to live out your calling, you'll experience a deep sense of fulfillment, make a profound impact on others, and...
Discover the fun and easy way to do evangelism! The Bible tells us not to put our light under a bushel (Matthew 5:15-16) and to take the Gospel to the ends of the Earth (Mark 16:15)....
Friends, it's better to be loved than to be perfect. And You were loved by God when you were created. You were loved by God when you were still His enemy. You are loved when you...
Every hero has an origin story, and so do you and here's the surprise--it happened long before your parents were born! Whatever you've been told about your beginnings, the...
Our views of ourselves and our places in the world are limited unless we go to God first. Jessica encourages women to rest in the security of God's love for His daughters, and...
Posted by Jessica Bolyard on 12/04/2024
Jessica speaks on the importance of finding our security in Christ, and there experiencing His hope, joy, and peace that guide us through life's inevitable stormiest and darkest...
Dr. Atasha Jordan is not only a board-certified psychiatrist but also a dynamic Christian leader who understands the challenges of balancing professional success with spiritual purpose....
The glory of a godly marriage, being a minister's wife, caring for my beloved husband through his illness until he met the Lord, and knowing God as my ultimate source of comfort...
Posted by Mindy Glaser on 09/03/2024
Do you long to belong somewhere? In a world of constant connection, people feel more disconnected than ever. There is a deep desire to belong, yet it often seems just out of reach....
Who you are in Christ changes everything. In Rooted in Christ: Knowing and Abiding in Your Identity, Dr. Pat Barrington leads audiences on a transformative journey to discover the...
Posted by Pat Barrington on 07/30/2024
Singleness can be a struggle - especially when you DON'T want to be single! In this session, you will learn how to live with joy, peace, and contentment - even if you haven't...
Posted by Mary Dittman on 07/01/2024
Singleness can be a struggle - especially when you DON'T want to be single! In this session, you will learn how to live with joy, peace, and contentment - even if you haven't...
Posted by Mary Dittman on 07/01/2024