Are you ready to find your calling once and for all? As you begin to live out your calling, you'll experience a deep sense of fulfillment, make a profound impact on others, and...
In this inspiring talk, discover how God uses our deepest struggles to showcase His faithfulness and bring hope to others. Learn how our pain can become a powerful platform for sharing...
Posted by Nicole Langman on 12/30/2024
Hear God Say: Trust Me, I’ve Got This!This message focuses on trusting God through the dark valleys and raging storms of life. Drawing from my personal journey of faith and surrender,...
Studies show that 93% of moms are currently in a state of burnout. While “The Weary World Rejoices” is the perfect topic during the Christmas season, it’s also relevant...
Posted by Kristen Leigh on 12/14/2024
What is out of your comfort zone? Something so outside the box that you tremble just thinking about being asked to do it. Maybe it is giving your testimony, singing...
Posted by Lynn Neely on 12/10/2024
Discover a countercultural strategy that frees you from the pressure of the world’s BIG metrics game, empowering you to tackle humble ministry beginnings beyond your comfort...
Don’t let your God-given potential sleepwalk through Mr. Sandman’s wasteland. Discover how to defy morning dread, harness renewed hope, and ignite a calling that awakens...
Psalm 56:8 says, "Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your records?" God already knows you are hurting from the loss of a loved one. He knows every tear you will...
Posted by Sheila Llewellyn on 10/31/2024
Memorial stones were a constant visible reminder of God's promises, love, help and miracles. As women of faith what memorial stones are we leaving for those who follow us?*...
Posted by Susan Peaslee on 10/28/2024
We can be comforted in knowing we are His, yet it can be challenging to understand our purpose in the world where the world is the one that is often pulling us in countless directions....
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 10/13/2024
You don't plan to have an accident. But you can be prepared when you or someone else has an intense emotional incident. Our handy Emotional First Aid Triangle uses scripture and...
Posted by Hannah Thuku Kolehmainen on 10/05/2024
Are you a woman of faith that feels enslaved to food? Constantly thinking about what to eat or what not to eat? Come discover a faith-based, holistic approach to not only finding physical...
Posted by Heather Lines-Degelman on 10/04/2024