Self-care is a very big topic these days, but as Christian women, we want more than manicures and bubble baths. The Biblical Story of Hannah from 1 Sam 1-2:21 gives us some excellent...
Posted by Angie Watson on 02/10/2025
"She has done a beautiful thing to me. She did what she could." Mark 14:6,8When Karen speaks about this heartfelt passage of Scripture, she leads women to experience...
Nicole, as a Bible teacher, will take you through one of the most prominent illustrations in the Scriptures, the potter and the clay. Spending much of our time in Jeremiah 18 and pairing...
Many women have dreams buried deep within their hearts—visions of starting a business, writing a book, launching a ministry, or making a difference in their communities. Yet,...
Posted by Evelyn Johnson Taylor on 02/07/2025
"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." Psalm 23:5 Through sharing her experiences...
DAUGHTERS UNITED: A Mentoring Ministry for WomenOver two decades ago, the Lord placed a vision on my heart: to create a space where ministries could unite to help women and their families...
Posted by Linette Rainville on 02/06/2025
"They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor." Isaiah 61:3Women will encounter and embrace the TRUTH of God's...
Women dream big. We just do. Sometimes life tries to squeeze the dreams out of us, but I am here to champion you to DO those crazy big dreams!You were created with a purpose. For...
Posted by Brenda Harkins on 01/30/2025
Lorraine shares her gripping story of waking up to over 4300 Mondays with determination and resolve to lose weight and go after her goals, only to fail miserably by noon. Lorraine...
Looking for your purpose no matter your age - Set or ReSet Your Anchor! God is not done with you. This talk is definitely for your group of women, especially for those more seasoned...
Cara's Personal Testimony Story encourages others to "Refuse To Sink"We have this Hope As An Anchor for the Soul, Firm and Secure. Hebrews 6:19This talk is great...
Stepping forward in your faith instead of waiting for "Perfect Conditions". With God guiding you, It Already Is!He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat...