Learn to raise your Shield of Faith and conquer fear and anxiety! This dynamic teaching, featuring powerful props and practical solutions, equips you to stand firm in God’s peace,...
When we come up against trials, we're often told to "just trust God." While that sounds good, what does that look like? How can we exercise real trust in practical ways...
Posted by Toni Campbell on 12/17/2024
Having difficulty finding peace these days? It’s not surprising, given your busy life and our wacky world. Come away with me and rediscover real and lasting peace....
For the goal-getters, ministry leaders, entrepreneurs and ladies who like to do "all the things," here's a session on how to prioritize, focus and find fulfillment in...
Posted by Tiffany Jo Baker on 09/14/2023
Goals can feel daunting. Time flies. You want to win the race. This session is full of mindset shifts to help you work smarter, get more done in less time, and keep your eye on the...
Posted by Tiffany Jo Baker on 09/14/2023
Chronic stress has put many people in an ongoing state of anxiety, worry, and even depression. As well as poor health. Learn how stress influences our emotions, thinking, body, and...
Posted by Tanya Jolliffe on 03/17/2023
Life SolutionsBiblical and practical solutions for life’s most common problems like fear, anxiety, anger, forgiveness and communication. Giving you a foundation of how habits...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 01/31/2023
FALSE HUMILITY will tell you… “Who do you think you are? Play small. Don’t rock the boat. You don’t want to be seen. The REMEDY? GODFIDENCE...
When you feel like you're the only one enduring the pain inside, Crystal reminds audiences they are not alone in this broken world. Human-ing can be hard and invisible struggles...
Posted by Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021
Looking for solutions to enhance your relationships with family, friends or even in the work place?I have information to help you move in the right direction going forward to...
Posted by Lisa Cassman on 08/30/2020
Are there difficult people in your life? Perhaps you live, work, or attend church with them. In this humorous session, based on Romans 14 and the four major personality...
Posted by Karen Duffy on 01/15/2020
Life out of control? Can’t slow down? Too many things to do? Wish for a moment of calm? Where’s the joy? Where’s the peace that passes all understanding? You...
Posted by Karen Duffy on 01/15/2020