It is possible to believe IN Jesus and not BELIEVE Jesus. While salvation assures our life for eternity, soul satisfaction ensures abundant life on earth. In John 10:10, Jesus declared...
Are you interested in social justice? Are you looking for ways to promote growth, compassion, perspective, and service in your women's ministry? Maybe you're interested in...
Posted by Vicki Taylor on 01/21/2025
Have you suffered grief? Has loss left you or someone you know feeling entombed in grief? During this program, Angie will lead you through Bible stories and life experiences to help...
Posted by Angie Watson on 12/22/2024
A weary woman’s life-line! Discover how the gridlock of the daily grind—whether steps from your bed or miles in traffic—can become your own Sacred COMMUTE journey...
Dr. Atasha Jordan is a board-certified psychiatrist and Christian thought leader who uniquely combines medical expertise with faith-based principles. Her approach empowers Christian...
Posted by Atasha Jordan on 10/23/2024
Words are important. They can lead others to knowledge, bring healing in relationships, communicate kindness and relieve loneliness. Conversely, speech can be destructive when used...
Posted by Robbie Gring on 09/10/2024
No matter how powerful, successful or accomplished we may be, we can all fall victim to doubt, hopelessness, fear, anxiety and even despair. Yet, we can be overcomes, pressing on to...
Posted by Robbie Gring on 09/10/2024
Attempting to explain the sudden death of my grandfather to a 6 and 8 year old, led me to the creation of a heartfelt story about experiencing the earthly presence of someone we loved...
Posted by Robbie Gring on 09/10/2024
With God, everything is possible! This is a topic that few want to unwrap, but I have a testimony that will blow your mind and set others free! I share my experience on...
Posted by Mindy Glaser on 09/03/2024
I have a plethora of topics I’ve spoken on throughout my career and am happy to share on just about anything. I'm always thrilled to share personal & MIRACULOUS healing...
No one goes into marriage thinking it will end in divorce. And despite our best efforts to salvage a broken marriage, it may still end in divorce. After her 25 year marriage ended,...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/13/2024
Kelly Master shares her transformative experiences ministering in strip clubs, prisons, recovery homes, and on the streets. Through compelling stories and profound insights, she highlights...
Posted by Kelly Master on 07/08/2024