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Posted by: Mary Eckard on 08/31/2016

The Mary Experience | Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

This is a two-session topic where we take a look at two Mary's from the Bible.  Mary of Bethany models for us how to cultivate an intimate relationship with Jesus that goes from student to true worshipper.  Mary Magdalene models for us how to walk in true freedom - Mary Magdalene went from a life of spiritual oppression to a life of being honored by the Christ as He appeared to her first after his resurrection.  The topic answers the question - how do I cultivate an intimate and personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and how do I then walk in the freedom that He has given me.

Here is an excerpt from the handouts for this topic:

Luke 8:1-3: Jesus had cast seven demons out of Mary Magdalene; she lived a life of gratitude after that, traveling about from one town and village to another with Jesus as he proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God.  Mary was helping to support Jesus and disciples out of their own means.

 Mary had been in a vicious cycle of demon possession and had no doubt lived a life that was cycling from bad to worse.  Somehow in the midst of the evil, she was able to find Jesus and to make her way to him.  And when she made her way to Him, he brought her healing and wholeness. Think about it – Mary has been demon possessed and now she is free.  All of her life is different.  She has freedom.  Had she given in to fear, she would have crawled back to her familiar life – a life of possession.  But she did not choose to do that – she chose freedom.  Scripture says that she traveled with Jesus – she didn’t know where He was going or what he would be doing, but she committed her life to him.

How about you?  Are you living your life in a cage?  It could be a cage of fear, a cage of oppression, a cage of a bad relationship or abuse, addiction or unforgiveness.  It’s a cage of familiarity and you feel comfortable there – but Jesus has set you free. He has given you freedom from this cage. Jesus has opened the door of this cage and chained it open – and yet we run and hide back in the cage, afraid to move – afraid of the unknown.  And we live ineffective lives.  Let’s crawl out of the cage, friends.  Let’s allow Jesus to pull us to our destiny.  Get out of our cage.  

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