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Posted by: Denise Pass on 08/08/2019

Shame Off You (Choose from 5 topics)

Based on the book, Shame Off You, Denise takes us on an adventure of biblical proportions to get rid of shame for good.

#1- Shame Off You: Unveiling Shame’s Presence ~ A Culture of Shame

We all encounter shame in our culture, but don't often recognize it. This session exposes shame - the hidden and the known, and lays the foundation for how to face shame biblically.

#2 - Shame Off You: Conviction versus Condemnation

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, but shame often accuses our soul. What's a Christian to do? Evaluate shame through the biblical filter and tools Denise shares instead of being put off by it, then let it go in Jesus' Name.

#3: - Shame Off You: The Cycles of Shame

Shame begins innocently enough, but our commitment to the cycle of shame is not so simple. If we are not careful, we will wind up on the cycle of shame - Condemnation - Comparison - Crisis - Commitment - and have it rob us of the abundant life Christ promises.

#4 - Shame Off You: The Battle of the Mind

The mind is where shame begins and where it can end. This session makes us wise to shame's tactics in our minds and reveals how to combat shame without losing our mind.

#5 - Shame Off You: Confronting and Defeating Shame

Sometimes the shame comes from the outside and sometimes it is from within, but no matter the source, shame needs to be confronted in order to be defeated. Shame Off You, friends!

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