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Posted by: Mary Brown on 04/11/2016

Jesus Is Highly Contagious!

Even though we should be "carriers" of Jesus, "spreading" Him to others, many Christians cringe at the thought of talking to someone about Him. (And that would be me!) I was held back by fear of what people would think and that I wasn't confident in doing it right. Until one day I heard about a shy, out-of-state friend who had won 300 people to the Lord... in one year! I was shocked. I got ahold of her within the hour to ask "how in the world" did she do that? She told me about the simple evangelizing tool she had learned to use... it was a small, bookmark sized script with salvation verses. She just opened up the conversation with "Hey, has anyone told you God loves you?" and after their response she'd say "Well, let me quickly read you what the Bible says." When she would read  the Word of God, the Holy Spirit would go to work and start to draw their heart in. It wasn't up to her to try to convince them, or answer all their questions, or memorize anything. She just let God's Word do the work. It would soften their hearts, reveal the only way to God and heaven is Jesus and bring conviction. They would then willing follow her in the scripted sinner's prayer she would read. She said the look in their eyes and their faces always changed the moment they were born again! Wow. This was so simple. I got it, I tried it, it works! It is so easy to bring people to Jesus, it is FUN! Jesus really is highly contagious so and I am beyond excited to train other Christians as ANYONE can do this!  Some have the literal God-given gift of evangelism and God uses them on incredible levels. But this is for the rest of us, who are still meant to bring people in our world to Jesus. You may have heard the projection that if every Christian won one person a year and that person won one, and so on the whole world would be evangelized in 32 years. Well as easy as this is, we can do it a whole lot fast than that! So let's get started. We CAN do this. Once you know what you are doing and with the incredible success rate this proven, simple evangelism tool has, be prepared to be amazed at how easily you became a soul winner!

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