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Posted by: Jeannie Vogel on 01/06/2017

Finding Joy ...Thru Knowing God, Serving, &Suffering 3 part

1. Lasting Joy illudes many from Hollywood elites to billionares who "have it all." But real joy isn't based on material goods, but starts with knowing God intimately and finding satifaction in Him. Session One deals with this search for joy. 

2. Secondly, in a fallen world we need to find Joy in the midst of suffering, which often seems unattainable. But God's word enlightens us about thinking differently and starting to act differently when we grasp His goals and purposes for our life. 

3. Third, we can find joy through serving, a missing component in many of our overly busy lives. Sometimes the serving opportunities are different than we might think and more fulfilling than we imagined.

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