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Showing 76 - 91 of 91 Results

Musician With CDs Results

Semone Seavers

Semone Seavers is a women’s minister, teacher, and coach with a passion for encouraging women to know their identity in Christ and the purpose to which He has called

Evington, Virginia, 24550, United States

Rebecca Del Pozo

Rebecca Del Pozo is a top-producing real estate agent and author. Adopted from birth, and a survivor of betrayal and divorce, she encourages and inspires women with the

Tacoma, Washington, 98466, United States

Karen Moretz Walker

Karen Moretz Walker is a southern gospel singer, multiple near-death survivor, and vibrant, mouth-of-the-south speaker with a lot to say about Jesus. Come as you are, enjoy

Township of Taylorsville, North Carolina, 28681, United States

Lisa Miller

Lisa Leigh Miller was sold to the highest bidder at the age of three years old. Through the  tears (and eventual joy) of  her riveting true story, you'll gain

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73159, United States

Sharla Fritz

Sharla Fritz has been described as an amazing eye-opening speaker and author. She helps women who feel they are pulled in a hundred different directions find soul rest by

Aurora, Illinois, 60505, United States

Tracy Gale Thornton
Columbus, Ohio, 43085, United States

Nadia Newman
Bloomsbury, New Jersey, 07003, United States

Juli Tapken

Juli Tapken is an increasingly popular actress, recently performing as the Lead Actress in the cinematic release of "Providence" and the DVD release of "Mission Improbable".

Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Niki Hampton

Purpose ~                                              

Columbus, Ohio, 43231, United States

Faith Abraham

Dr. Faith Abraham   is a pastor, speaker, author, counselor, business consultant and 6-figure coach. She graduated from Texas State University at San Marcos with a

Forest Park, Georgia, 30297, United States

Marty Banfield
Bamberg, South Carolina, 29003, United States

Debi Irene Wahl

Debi Irene Wahl is the wife of one, mother of three, grandmother of five and grand puppy sitter.  "The Lord is the one that gives me wings and the strength

Reading, Pennsylvania, 19605, United States

Linda Bowley
Carthage, Texas, 75633, United States

Edie Veenstra
Walled Lake, Michigan, 48390, United States

Angela Dittmar

Former NYC Nightclub singer shares how she found the song worth singing. Singer & Songwriter shares her amazing journey. A story of forgiveness, second chances, and

Spring Hill, Florida, 34606, United States

Melissa Lawson

Born in Dallas, Texas , Melissa grew up in Arlington, TX, where she continues to make her home. She Attended the Professional Youth Conservatory (Performing Arts High School)

Arlington, Texas, 76013, United States